Tuesday, December 17, 2013
12-15-2013 Gospel For Everyone- Pastor Mark Rossington
There's a passage in the Bible where John the Baptist hears about Jesus while he is in prison and he has one of his disciples ask Jesus a question. He wants to know why Jesus isn't going preaching about repenting like he has been doing before his imprisonment, and the answer he received is surprising. When Jesus says that the message is for everyone, what does it mean? Is it right for John to preach the way he has been, or is it Jesus? On the third week of Advent, Pastor Mark gives a sermon on what Jesus meant on the Gospel being for everyone, and how much of an impact it really has for everyone. That sermon can be found, among the other ones before it, right here.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
11-27-2013 Seven Blessings- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's Thanksgiving time! That means we gather together with our families and friends and give thanks for all the things that we are given and have. Now as Christians, what should we be thankful for? We give thanks to God all the time for a myriad of things, so what now? Pastor Mark gives a little sermon on Thanksgiving Eve and lists seven things that we as Christians should be thankful for. So, get out of that turkey coma and give this one a listen, won't you?
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
11-24-2013 The Final Day or Your Final Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's now that time of the church calendar where sermons are geared towards talking about the final days since it's end of the church calendar and the week before churches start celebrating Advent. However, the sermon that Pastor Mark gives isn't a typical sermon you would find at this time of year, and this time it's geared towards more of a break down on what happened to Jesus as he was dying on the cross. Every single part of that story means something and there's a lot going on than what's going on with a quick read through. That sermon of the break down and what everything means in that story can be found right here.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
11-17-2013 Commitment Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's finally that time at our church where we make our commitment to the Capital Campaign in how much we are going to give to it for the next three years in order to keep our church around. So, it's another sermon about money that Pastor Mark is giving, right? Well, yes and no. Yes, it is another sermon about money, but it's a high level sermon on what giving to God actually means. There are points made in the sermon that might be surprising seeing as popular opinion on giving to God means that you have to do it no matter what. That little message can be found right here.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
11-10-2013 Vision Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington and Others
The moment has come to Epiphany Lutheran Church where the congregation makes their pledges to the Capital Campaign that will decide the church's future. It's a special occasion, and as such there are three testimonies given with a short homily by Pastor Mark. Joni Fairbrother talks about the past, Aaron Schmidt talks about the present, and Susan Fleischer talks about the future of Epiphany with the main theme from all of them is how the church is like a family. Those testimonies and the homily can be found right here if you feel so inclined to listen.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
11-03-2013 Living as Children to a Generous God Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
We take risks all the time in various degrees, and we even label certain people as risk takers. It could be because of the thrill of it, or it could be because they know the odds of success and take them. So, if we take risks towards certain things in our lives, can we take risks with God? Is that even a thing we can do? In Pastor Mark's final part of his sermon series, he talks about what can happen if we see what God can do for us if we trust Him, and take the leap. That final part, along with the other parts, can be found right here.
10-27-2013 Let Go and Let God- Pastor Karl Galik
What does it mean to make a sacrifice? Does it mean that we have to suffer while doing it, or does it mean we do it willfully? What about letting go of something? Those words have certain word associations with them that make it sound harder and harsher than it really is, or is it? Words change meaning all the time, so is it one of those cases here? Pastor Karl Galik is making a guest appearance and gives a sermon on sacrificial giving, but with a twist. Curious to know what he talks about? That sermon, as well as many others, can be found right here.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
10-20-2013 The Parable of the Generous Father- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the more well-known parables by Jesus is the Parable of the Prodigal Son, in which the son of a wealthy goes off with his inheritance and squanders it. Only for him to return in the hopes that his father would forgive him, and it was then that the father celebrates with a huge party because of his son's return. What would that story sound like if Jesus retold that parable to a modern day audience? Who do all the people in the parable represent? Pastor Mark continues on in his second part in the new sermon series, and talks about that parable, and what it really means. He even does deeper and discusses what Jesus really means in that parable, and how it affects all of us. That next part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10-13-2013 Living as Children of a Generous God- Pastor Mark Rossington
When it comes to money everyone has their own opinion on what you should do with it and how you should manage it. People even judge others on how much they have, and what their attitudes are when they have a lot of it. We tend to judge some rich people pretty harshly and others not so much since we perceive them as generous and kind. What would happen if they were asked to give a chunk of their wealth away to follow God? What would their responses be? In a brand new sermon series, Pastor Mark talks about two rich men from the Bible and how they reacted when Jesus responded back to their questions about how they can get into heaven. Their responses to Him are quite revealing, and Pastor Mark goes deeper into their reactions and how it relates to us hundreds of years later. That first part in this new series can be found right over here.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
09-29-2013 What is Heaven?- Pastor Mark Rossington
Everyone has their own views on what heaven is and what will happen when we all get there. Hollywood has done a good job of portraying heaven where we're all sitting on clouds with halos over our heads playing our own harps. As serene and kosher as it sounds, is that what heaven really is? And what does happen when we get there? In a one off sermon on heaven, Pastor Mark talks about what the Bible has to say about heaven and what we think happens when we get there. The Bible is kind of vague about heaven, but there are some clues in there that gives us enough of a picture to have an idea on what it's like. That one off sermon, as well as many others, can be found right here.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
09-22-2013 Two Masters- Pastor Mark Rossington
If there's one thing that just about everything revolves around and the one thing that people almost have to have in order to do anything in life, it's money. It's something we use to get from one place to another in terms of travel, something we use to buy food, shelter, and cloths, and something we need get in return for our services when working. There's nothing wrong with it, but what happens when it's the only thing we worry about and care for? What about the stuff we buy? In a stand alone sermon, Pastor Mark talks about the one thing that can cause a ruckus in church, and that's money. Using one of Jesus' parables as a starting point, he talks about not only money, but also about the things that we buy. Wanna hear more? That sermon can be found and listened to right here.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
09-08-2013 Athanasian Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
There are two creeds that many Christian churches say just about all the time, the Apostles and the Nicene Creed, and most people have them memorized because of how short they are. Outside of the Lord's Prayer, those are the only two creeds that matter, right? Not quite. In the final installment of The Roots of Our Faith, Pastor Mark talks about the Athanasian Creed, and while it's not very popular it is just as important to the other creeds. It's a quite lengthy creed to say, which takes about seven and a half minutes, and it also has a quite lengthy history and a huge purpose in the Christian church. The final part in the series, as well as the previous parts, can be found right here.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
09-01-2013 Christ in Vocation- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's the Labor Day weekend and it's that time where our nation celebrates the worker and takes a day off from all that hard work we've put in. It's a time where people can just relax and hang out with family and friends, and enjoy the moment. Everyone needs some time off from going into work and working long hours to just make things work out at home. Those are jobs, but what about the other vocations that are not as glamorous? What if someone is taking care of their elderly parent that stays with them, do they count? What about parents? On this day before Labor Day, Pastor Mark takes a break from his sermon series and talks about vocations that go unnoticed by many people. He also says that we should thank God for them and all the hard work they do even if it's trivial labor or if it's something that they do for their family. That Labor Day sermon can be found right here at your listening leisure.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
08-25-2013 The Roots of Our Faith: The Nicene Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
The previous sermon established what the Apostles Creed is and what the creed's function was back then. So, we have a creed that's established what the Christian faith believes in and that should take care of any type of heresy that crop up, right? Well, not necessarily. It's use was to stop the false teaching of it's time, but what about future ones? In the next part of the new sermon series called, "The Roots of Our Faith", Pastor Mark now talks about the Nicene Creed. He dives into the history behind the creed, what each line or phrase means, and what the creed's function is after it was written. It's not just some long thing that use Christians have to say, but it is something that's very important now as it was back then. The next part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
08-18-2013 The Roots of Our Faith: The Apostles' Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
There's a lot of stuff going on in a church service that we just deem it as the things in a worship service that we have to do because it's church. It's church-y stuff, and we just go along with the flow of the service just because our parents did it and so did their parents, and so on. We've done those items of service so many times that we lost the meaning of why we say the parts of worship, and even the significance of each item. What are those items of worship, and what's so important about them? In a brand new sermon series called, 'The Roots of Our Faith', Pastor Mark tackles the Apostles' Creed and gives a brief history about the beginnings of the creed and why it's still very important for us Christians today. The very beginning of the new series can be found and heard right here.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
08-11-2013 How To Raise Children With Faith, Compassion, and Commitment- Pastor Mark Rossington
Raising children can be the most challenging experience to ever have, but it can also be the most rewarding as well. We are very particular in what they should know and how they should behave. It's important because what we do now will affect how they themselves will act in the future whether we like it or not. It's all rather frightening, so how should we behave? How should we bringing up not only our children, but other children as well? Since it's Rally Day at our church, Pastor Mark takes that family friendly theme and talks about how to raise children with faith as a basis. That little sermon can be found right here, and is also the place where previous and future sermons are located.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
08-04-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 6- Pastor Mark Rossington
Something that we as humans are all do of is wishing for something that really want, but for some reason or another can't have. Most of time it's something material like a brand new big TV, a fancy sports car, or a bigger house. That's not necessarily a bad thing since it can drive us to work harder to obtain it, but it can go into a darker nature if we start acting in underhanded ways to getting it. What do we do about it if we feel that we're going into that territory? Is wishing for something we don't have a bad thing? In the final installment in the summer sermon series, Pastor Mark talks about coveting and what it actually means and not what popular opinion says it is. That final part in the series, as well as the previous parts in the series, can be found right here for your listening pleasure.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
07-21-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
There are a multitude of situations that come our way where we have to make decisions that will influence our lives in either small ways, or in huge life changing ways. The small ones we make all the time and we really don't think about them, but the really big ones give us pause and force us to really think about them. Whether it's a job change, medical decision, or even going back to school, it's all something that requires us to weigh all the options in every aspect of it. The way we make them is also pretty huge, and everyone has their own way of doing it and will be more than willing to tell you how you should. So what's the right way of making decisions? Is there a right way at all? In the fourth part in the series called God's Unconditional Promises, Pastor Mark goes to the book of Proverbs to shed some light on how we should handle decisions in life, and how God has given us the wisdom to make them if we so choose to use them. That very installment in the series, as well as the previous parts, can be found right here.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
07-14-2013 Unconditional Promises Part 3- Pastor Mark Rossington
There are days in our lives where it seems like we can't do anything right, and that's nothing we can do to make things better. We try a myriad of ways to make things in our lives to go smoother or to give us the courage to face challenges that will crop up. Some times they work and some times they don't. What do we do? How do we get through our days when it seems like the whole universe is out to get us? This past Sunday, Pastor Mark continues on about God's unconditional promises and talks about how God has given us the ability to get through life's challenges when they come up. He also talks about the Apostle Paul and the challenges he faced when he became a Christian and spread the Word throughout the Roman Empire as an illustration. The third installment in the sermon series, as well as the previous parts in the series, can be heard right here.
07-07-2013 Praying For Our Nation- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the privileges living in the United States is the ability to practice our faith without worrying about being persecuted, and to openly pray about everything. One of the things that's taught in the Bible is to pray for our leaders. What things should we pray for when praying for them? If we don't like who is in the current position, what do we do then? On this special Sunday about our Nation's birthday, Pastor Mark talks about how we should pray for all of our leaders, whether we like them or not, and what we should pray for. That Independence Day sermon can be found right here.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
06-30-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 2- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the things that we do when we worship is asking God for forgiveness, and is also something that we do in prayer. We are told that when we do that that God will forgive us and then remember the act no more, and that's a guarantee. When we ask forgiveness from other people that's really not that case because we feel obligated to do other acts to really show the person that we're really sorry. With God we sometimes do that as well, but is it really necessary? In the second part in the new sermon series, Pastor Mark talks about confessing our sins with God, and what it really means as an unconditional promise. The next part in the series can be found right here for your listening enjoyment.
Friday, June 28, 2013
06-23-2013 God's Unconditional Promises- Pastor Mark Rossington
Everyone makes promises to one another all the time, but there is an underlining statement that goes along with every single one that is normally unspoken. It goes along the lines of, 'This may not be a guarantee though.' The person may even say they're not going to make any promises when they're going to try to do something that's asked of them. So it's no surprise that when someone, or even God, says that their are no conditions to their promises that it's treated with skepticism. In a brand new sermon series, Pastor Mark talks about God's promises where we find out what they are and what they mean for us. The very first part in the series can be discovered right here.
06-16-2013 Father's Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's Father's Day! The day where we say 'thanks' to all of our days for everything they've done for us, and continue to do. Unfortunately, there are some dads out there that haven't done things for their child's benefit, or haven't been there at all. What do you do about that? Can it be fixed? Should it be fixed at all? In a non-traditional Father's Day sermon, Pastor Mark gives a more personal sermon on the topic, as well as talks about the relationship between King David and one of his sons, and how damaging it can be if nothing positive can be done about it. That sermon can be found right here for your listening pleasure.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
06-09-2013 Letting Go and Letting God- Pastor Mark Rossington
Everyone has challenges that they face in life, and it all varies from person to person and from situation to situation to what they are and how they can be handled. The very hard situations such as quitting habits or even looking for a better job are sometimes very trying thing where we feel as if we shouldn't even bothered to try. Even impossible. What would happen if ask God for help through these "impossible" times? Pastor Mark talks about the challenges that we face in life and how if we ask God for help then all the things that we deem impossible will becomes possible. That sermon can be found right here for you listening convenience.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
06-02-2013 Confirmation is Not Graduation- Pastor Mark Rossington
This past Sunday was Confirmation Sunday for a group of young men and woman to stand before the congregation and profess in what they believe. As well as give statements on what they've learned and how it helped them grow in their faith. So after everything they've done and after everything they've learned about the Christian faith they can stop learning and coming to church, right? Not so fast according to Pastor Mark. While that day may be a special day for those young adults, it's also a reminder to all of us that just because we have gone through every requirement that doesn't mean we can stop worshiping together as Christians. That little sermon can be found right here.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
05-12-2013 Mother's Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
This past Sunday was the day in celebration of mothers everywhere, and the time to show our appreciation of them for everything they do. We take them out to a really fancy meal, or we sometimes we do the simple gesture of buying them flowers or candy. In solidarity of that day, Pastor Mark talks about the most famous mother in the Bible, and that's Mary. What was especially special about her other than giving birth to Jesus? Her faith. What about it makes her so unique? That sermon covers those questions and gives more insight about Mary and that can be found right here.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
05-05-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 5- Pastor Mark Rossington
We have finally come to the conclusion of our investigation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and now that everyone has been interviewed and all the evidence has been collected it's time to write the final report. The time where investigators have to use the facts in the case to come to a factual conclusion to what happened, and not force facts to some predetermined conclusion. What is the final report on Jesus' death and resurrection on that Easter morning? Pastor Mark wraps up the sermon series and briefly goes over everything before coming to a conclusion that Jesus really did rise from the grave early in the morning. The final installment in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
04-28-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
When all the evidence has been collected it's time to start coming up with explanations to how the crime happened. It's the part where investigators make sense of the evidence and have it speak the truth of how the crime happened and have it make logical sense. Now, when investigating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, what are some of the explanations that have been stated about it, and what does the actual evidence say about those? Pastor Mark continues on in the sermon series and talks about some of the prevailing theories about how Jesus rose from the dead that Easter morning. Do they stand up on their own, or do they have faults that don't explain certain key facts? The fourth part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
04-21-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 3- Pastor Mark Rossington
After collecting and examining the evidence at a crime the next step in any investigation is to find eye witnesses. They are very important because not only can they shed some light on what happened, but they can also either confirm or conflict the evidence found at crime scenes. Since we are investigating Easter morning and the event that Jesus did rise from the dead, we need to find the people that have seen him before and after he rose, and who was at the grave guarding it from grave robbers. And, as Pastor Mark continues on with the sermon series, it turns out that there are quite a few people that fit that category, and have plenty to say about what happened on that Easter morning. What do they have to say? What do their actions on that day say? The next part in the sermon series on the investigation of Jesus' dead and resurrection can be found right here.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
04-14-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Past 2- Pastor Mark Rossington
As crime scene investigators, the place that always needs to be looked is the place where the crime was taken place. It's where clues to what happened are located, and to get a good idea of the victim and possibly the criminal. It's standard procedure for any CSI and police force when a crime has been committed since it's the logical choice. In terms of the previous sermon that Pastor Mark gave, it's now been established that the Bible is a credible source and now we can look at the scene of where Jesus rose from the grave, and see if there are any clues we can find. Is there evidence that it was a person or a group of people, or was it something else? What kind of evidence was there? The second part in the investigation of Easter can be found right here.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
04-07-2013 CSI: Jerusalem- Pastor Mark Rossington
If someone were to go up to you and ask you what happened on Easter morning, what would you're answer be? The answer would be that Jesus rose from the grave after three days of his crucifixion, but if someone were to ask you how you know that's true, what would the answer be then? After a while it would be a game of twenty questions, and they would lead back to the Bible and that would go off into a series of questions going nowhere. Exactly, what are the answers? Pastor Mark starts a brand new sermon series investigating Easter and in the first installment talks about how someone would verify the Bible and the events that happened in it. That would be very important since you can't talk about anything else without mentioning the Bible, and if that isn't verified then the whole Christian faith is pointless. That first part in the new sermon series can be found right here.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
03-31-2013 Easter- Pastor Mark Rossington
We have finally come to the point in the Resurrection Story where Jesus has finally rose from the grave after three days, and finally beat death on our behalf. That's the part of the story that is the most famous, now, what's the big deal? We hear it all the time around this time of year, but what's the significance of Jesus coming back from the grave? Pastor Mark slightly goes away from a traditional Easter morning sermon, and talks about some of the questions that Easter presents and gives some answers on those. One such question is, how do you know which religion in the world is the true religion? Such questions and answers can be found right here in this very sermon.
03-29-2013 Good Friday- Pastor Mark Rossington
There's one part in the story of Jesus being crucified that doesn't seem like a big deal and it's a little odd that it was even noted in the Bible, and that was where the Temple curtain was torn from top to bottom when Jesus finally died. It's a given that it would have some importance since it was in the Jewish Temple and it was huge and heavy. Is there a bigger significance than we really know? In the sermon that Pastor Mark gives on Good Friday, he talks about the Temple curtain and tells us why it really is a big deal and how it has a huge impact on us today whether we know it or not. That sermon from that gloomy and dark day of Good Friday can be found right here.
Friday, March 29, 2013
03-28-2013 Holy Thursday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, is the celebration of the day where Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples, instituted communion, and was also his last supper before he was arrested and later crucified. Before Jesus celebrated Passover, as per Jewish custom for all Jewish people, he would have to have certain things for the meal to take place. That was when he saw the Temple and it being turned into a marketplace and not into a place of worship, and that's when we see him flip tables in disgust of what it was turned into. It was a place of worship to God and was sacred ground and it was turned into a place of money and greed. Pastor Mark uses that as a basis for his sermon and goes into more detail about the events and significance of the event, and how it related to us. The sermon that starts things off for Holy Week can be found right here.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
03-24-2013 Palm Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Palm Sunday is the day where we celebrate the event of Jesus coming to Jerusalem while riding on a donkey and where people were laying palm branches on the ground in celebration of his arrival. The people knew who Jesus was when he came and knew about his acts of healing and casting out the dead, sot hey had no doubts of who he was and what he was able to do. But that was back then, right? It's been hundreds of thousands of years since then, and we really can't be sure if he really did those those things, right? There must be a reason of some kind to dismiss such things, and even if Jesus did, he must not be able to do it for me, yeah? Pastor Mark talks about those claims and much more in his sermon on Palm Sunday and goes into depth on what those human claims really mean and how we should just have faith Jesus in his abilities like the people back in Jerusalem did. That sermon from Palm Sunday can be found right here for your listening pleasure.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
03-20-2013 Love Through a Sponge- Pastor Mark Rossington
This sermon is a bit of a departure to what the rest of the series is like because we are now in the part of the story where Jesus is now crucified. That part of the story is sometimes not drawn into great detail because it's fairly self-explanatory. Jesus endured a beating, nailed to a cross, and then was left there until he was dead. Pastor Mark takes on a role as a coroner doing a typical investigation on the death of Jesus. So, he's going to go in great detail on what happened to Jesus before he was crucified, how he died, and as well as reports from Roman guards to confirm what happened. As a warning, this will get gruesome since the manner of which Romans carried out crucifixions were gruesome, but Pastor Mark wanted to make the point that what Jesus did for us was not an easy task and suffered greatly for us. The last part in the Lenten series can be found right here.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
03-17-2013 Sacrifice for Your Vocation- Pastor Mark Rossington
At one point in everyone's life there was a vocation that we absolutely hated and never enjoyed being there. It can be working in the customer service realm, or even in a place such as a bank, but it's a place that we dread going to everyday. It doesn't even have to be a paid vocation either where we feel that way, it could also be something you volunteer for, or it could even be taking care of a family member that can't take care of themselves anymore. Is there some way to make it more enjoyable and not feel like a chore? In the last part in the series of sacrifices, Pastor Mark talks about making sacrifices in your chosen vocation, and how changing one aspect of it can make it much more beneficial to yourself and to the people around you. That last part in the sermon series can be found right here.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
03-13-2013 The Highest Stakes- Pastor Mark Rossington
If we are to continue on with the events of Jesus being crucified, there was a moment where the Roman soldiers took Jesus' cloths and gambled them off to see who would take them. That doesn't sound like it would important and as well as not sounding like it would mean anything. It's just something that would most likely happen in that setting considering what was happening not too far from them, so why even make a note of it? Does it actually mean something? Pastor Mark expands on that event and does go into detail on what it means, and how we all cast lots on various things that we may or may not own, and how greed can be a very nasty thing. That fifth installment in the Lenten series can be found right here.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
03-10-2013 Sacrifices for Ministry- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the things that churches are known for is their ministries, and if you go to a church long enough you will probably join one. Typically, when someone joins a ministry it's normally something that fits their skills and something that they find fun. Soon enough a person becomes so attached to a ministry that it's hard to imagine them not in it. Now, what about the other ministries? The natural response is that it's not something their into, or something of the like as a reason why someone won't do a certain ministry. But is that a really good reason not to do one? Is there a good reason not to do a certain ministry? Pastor Mark continues on with his sermon on Sacrifices and talks about the ministries within a church. He goes into depth on the real reasons to do a ministry and what it means going into one. The next part in the sermon series can be found right here.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
03-06-2013 Nailed- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
03-03-2013 Family Sacrifice- Pastor Mark Rossington
Ask anyone with a family what kind of sacrifices that they had to make for them and there will be a huge laundry list of things that were given up for their family. It could be big things, or it could even be the smaller things that might be put off to a later time. Whatever the thing that was given up, it's understood that sacrifices have to be made for family. Pastor Mark continues one with his sermon series on Sacrifices and talks about that in the sense of a family, what that means for everyone, and much much more. That part in the sermon series can be found right here.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
02-27-2013 Denial- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
02-13-2013 A Stone's Throw- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the most famous stories of Jesus is when he met a woman that was about to be stoned to death by a mob of people. She was found guilty of committing adultery and by law had to be put to death. Lucky for her, Jesus was there and in that whole scene said one of the most famous lines to ever come out of the Bible, which is, "He who is without sin may cast out the first stone". The angry mob was diffused and the woman was saved that day, and Jesus was able to talk to her afterwards. Now, while there is an act of physically throwing a stone, what about the verbal ones? On Ash Wednesday, Pastor Mark talks about that very story and about the verbal stones that we encounter every single day. The ones that are available to us and where we have the option to use at the right time if we so choose to do so, and how we have the power to not use them. This one is the first part in a series for Lent, and that very first one can be found right here.
02-24-2013 Spiritual Sacrifice- Pastor Mark Rossington
Making sacrifices is one of those things that no one likes doing very much, or at all since the thing that is given up is something very close and dear to us. It's a very tough thing to do and it's also something that is done with great care, and never taken lightly. In a brand new sermon series that kicked off Sunday, Pastor Mark talks about sacrifices of the spiritual sense and what that means for us as Christians. The first part in the series can be found right here.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
02-20-2013 What's Your Price?- Pastor Mark Rossington
Everything costs money, and everything that we encounter has a price to be bought and to be sold. We are told and taught that everything has a price and a value, and we are also told that some things are invaluable. Those are just objects and as well as food, but what about people? Do we have a price? Depending on who you ask everyone has one, but is that true? In the second part in the Lenten series, Pastor Mark talks about the story of Judas and how he was bought for thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus, and uses that as a springboard to talk about being bought, and if we really can. The second part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
02-10-2013 Transfiguration- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the most incredible accounts in the Bible is the Transfiguration of Jesus where he reveals His true body to James, Peter, and John. What's even more incredible was that Moses and Elijah were present as well, and they were conversing with Jesus on the mountain. There are so many questions that surround that event that it's hard to know where to start, but the main question is, why would Jesus reveal himself to only those three disciples and not to any of the rest? Pastor Mark talks about that event in the Bible and answers some of the questions surrounding it, and even explains what it means for us as we get closer to Ash Wednesday and even Easter. That sermon can be found here for your listening convenience.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
01-20-2013 The Lord's Prayer- Pastor Mark Rossington
The Lord's Prayer is probably the most famous prayer that has ever been given to us by God, and even if someone isn't a Christian they probably have heard of it. It's the one prayer that Jesus gave to us as a model example on how to pray to God for whatever we may need. It's said so often that we just say it without really thinking about what we're saying and not giving it a second thought as it is just something that is said in a church service. What do the phrases mean? What's the importance of that prayer that Jesus taught us? In last Sunday's sermon, Part Mark talks about that very prayer and goes phrase by phrase on what they mean and what the whole prayer means to us, and everyone. That sermon can be found right here for you convenience.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
01-13-2013 The Baptism of Jesus- Pastor Mark Rossington
For those of us that are in the church, baptism is one of the most important things in the church along side Holy Communion. People of all ages get baptized in various ways whether it's the whole body or just a few swipes of water with a cloth, and there isn't a right or wrong way for the act to be done. There is one fact about the history of baptism that always sounds strange is that Jesus was baptized as well, and by John the Baptist. He's the Son of God, why would He need to be baptized? Why is it such a big deal that it has to be mentioned in the Bible? In a continuation of the story of Jesus' beginnings from last week, Pastor Mark talks about Jesus' baptism and why it really is such a big deal and why it matters for all of us. To know more about that and some interesting facts that sermon can be found right here for your enjoyment.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
01-06-2013 Magi- Pastor Mark Rossington
One part of the story of Jesus' birth is about the Magi, or the three wise men that came from the East to visit Jesus in Bethlehem. We all know that they brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh when they visited him because they wanted to see the new born king that was born under a bright star that placed him there. That's the story that's told in every Christmas story and talked about in every sermon on Christmas and when talking about the birth of Jesus, but is that it? Is there more to the story than that? On Epiphany Sunday, a day that celebrates the Magi visiting Jesus, Pastor Mark talks about the Magi and gives some historical significance to that event, and even what those gifts that the Magi brought actually mean. The first sermon of the brand new year can be found right here for your listening pleasure.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
12-30-2012 A New Year- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's finally a new year and around this time we normally take a look back and reflect on the good and the bad that happened in the past year. Then from there we look to the future and make plans on how to change our own lives and to hope that the new year will be better than that last one. However, sometimes it's hard to feel hopeful when things look bad and there are uncertainties about the coming year that make everyone worried about the future. What's one to do when things don't look bad? In the last sermon of 2012, Pastor Mark talks about those things and that having hope for the new year and for things to come is important and having God to help you out is just as important as well. The final sermon of the year can be found right here at your convenience.
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