Tuesday, December 17, 2013
12-15-2013 Gospel For Everyone- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
11-27-2013 Seven Blessings- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
11-24-2013 The Final Day or Your Final Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
11-17-2013 Commitment Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
11-10-2013 Vision Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington and Others
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
11-03-2013 Living as Children to a Generous God Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
10-27-2013 Let Go and Let God- Pastor Karl Galik
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
10-20-2013 The Parable of the Generous Father- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10-13-2013 Living as Children of a Generous God- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
09-29-2013 What is Heaven?- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
09-22-2013 Two Masters- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
09-08-2013 Athanasian Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
09-01-2013 Christ in Vocation- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
08-25-2013 The Roots of Our Faith: The Nicene Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
08-18-2013 The Roots of Our Faith: The Apostles' Creed- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
08-11-2013 How To Raise Children With Faith, Compassion, and Commitment- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
08-04-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 6- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
07-21-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
There are a multitude of situations that come our way where we have to make decisions that will influence our lives in either small ways, or in huge life changing ways. The small ones we make all the time and we really don't think about them, but the really big ones give us pause and force us to really think about them. Whether it's a job change, medical decision, or even going back to school, it's all something that requires us to weigh all the options in every aspect of it. The way we make them is also pretty huge, and everyone has their own way of doing it and will be more than willing to tell you how you should. So what's the right way of making decisions? Is there a right way at all? In the fourth part in the series called God's Unconditional Promises, Pastor Mark goes to the book of Proverbs to shed some light on how we should handle decisions in life, and how God has given us the wisdom to make them if we so choose to use them. That very installment in the series, as well as the previous parts, can be found right here.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
07-14-2013 Unconditional Promises Part 3- Pastor Mark Rossington
07-07-2013 Praying For Our Nation- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
06-30-2013 God's Unconditional Promises Part 2- Pastor Mark Rossington
Friday, June 28, 2013
06-23-2013 God's Unconditional Promises- Pastor Mark Rossington
06-16-2013 Father's Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
It's Father's Day! The day where we say 'thanks' to all of our days for everything they've done for us, and continue to do. Unfortunately, there are some dads out there that haven't done things for their child's benefit, or haven't been there at all. What do you do about that? Can it be fixed? Should it be fixed at all? In a non-traditional Father's Day sermon, Pastor Mark gives a more personal sermon on the topic, as well as talks about the relationship between King David and one of his sons, and how damaging it can be if nothing positive can be done about it. That sermon can be found right here for your listening pleasure.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
06-09-2013 Letting Go and Letting God- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
06-02-2013 Confirmation is Not Graduation- Pastor Mark Rossington
This past Sunday was Confirmation Sunday for a group of young men and woman to stand before the congregation and profess in what they believe. As well as give statements on what they've learned and how it helped them grow in their faith. So after everything they've done and after everything they've learned about the Christian faith they can stop learning and coming to church, right? Not so fast according to Pastor Mark. While that day may be a special day for those young adults, it's also a reminder to all of us that just because we have gone through every requirement that doesn't mean we can stop worshiping together as Christians. That little sermon can be found right here.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
05-12-2013 Mother's Day- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
05-05-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 5- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
04-28-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 4- Pastor Mark Rossington
When all the evidence has been collected it's time to start coming up with explanations to how the crime happened. It's the part where investigators make sense of the evidence and have it speak the truth of how the crime happened and have it make logical sense. Now, when investigating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, what are some of the explanations that have been stated about it, and what does the actual evidence say about those? Pastor Mark continues on in the sermon series and talks about some of the prevailing theories about how Jesus rose from the dead that Easter morning. Do they stand up on their own, or do they have faults that don't explain certain key facts? The fourth part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
04-21-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Part 3- Pastor Mark Rossington
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
04-14-2013 CSI: Jerusalem Past 2- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
04-07-2013 CSI: Jerusalem- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
03-31-2013 Easter- Pastor Mark Rossington
03-29-2013 Good Friday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Friday, March 29, 2013
03-28-2013 Holy Thursday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
03-24-2013 Palm Sunday- Pastor Mark Rossington
Thursday, March 21, 2013
03-20-2013 Love Through a Sponge- Pastor Mark Rossington
This sermon is a bit of a departure to what the rest of the series is like because we are now in the part of the story where Jesus is now crucified. That part of the story is sometimes not drawn into great detail because it's fairly self-explanatory. Jesus endured a beating, nailed to a cross, and then was left there until he was dead. Pastor Mark takes on a role as a coroner doing a typical investigation on the death of Jesus. So, he's going to go in great detail on what happened to Jesus before he was crucified, how he died, and as well as reports from Roman guards to confirm what happened. As a warning, this will get gruesome since the manner of which Romans carried out crucifixions were gruesome, but Pastor Mark wanted to make the point that what Jesus did for us was not an easy task and suffered greatly for us. The last part in the Lenten series can be found right here.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
03-17-2013 Sacrifice for Your Vocation- Pastor Mark Rossington
At one point in everyone's life there was a vocation that we absolutely hated and never enjoyed being there. It can be working in the customer service realm, or even in a place such as a bank, but it's a place that we dread going to everyday. It doesn't even have to be a paid vocation either where we feel that way, it could also be something you volunteer for, or it could even be taking care of a family member that can't take care of themselves anymore. Is there some way to make it more enjoyable and not feel like a chore? In the last part in the series of sacrifices, Pastor Mark talks about making sacrifices in your chosen vocation, and how changing one aspect of it can make it much more beneficial to yourself and to the people around you. That last part in the sermon series can be found right here.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
03-13-2013 The Highest Stakes- Pastor Mark Rossington
If we are to continue on with the events of Jesus being crucified, there was a moment where the Roman soldiers took Jesus' cloths and gambled them off to see who would take them. That doesn't sound like it would important and as well as not sounding like it would mean anything. It's just something that would most likely happen in that setting considering what was happening not too far from them, so why even make a note of it? Does it actually mean something? Pastor Mark expands on that event and does go into detail on what it means, and how we all cast lots on various things that we may or may not own, and how greed can be a very nasty thing. That fifth installment in the Lenten series can be found right here.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
03-10-2013 Sacrifices for Ministry- Pastor Mark Rossington
Thursday, March 7, 2013
03-06-2013 Nailed- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
03-03-2013 Family Sacrifice- Pastor Mark Rossington
Ask anyone with a family what kind of sacrifices that they had to make for them and there will be a huge laundry list of things that were given up for their family. It could be big things, or it could even be the smaller things that might be put off to a later time. Whatever the thing that was given up, it's understood that sacrifices have to be made for family. Pastor Mark continues one with his sermon series on Sacrifices and talks about that in the sense of a family, what that means for everyone, and much much more. That part in the sermon series can be found right here.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
02-27-2013 Denial- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
02-13-2013 A Stone's Throw- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the most famous stories of Jesus is when he met a woman that was about to be stoned to death by a mob of people. She was found guilty of committing adultery and by law had to be put to death. Lucky for her, Jesus was there and in that whole scene said one of the most famous lines to ever come out of the Bible, which is, "He who is without sin may cast out the first stone". The angry mob was diffused and the woman was saved that day, and Jesus was able to talk to her afterwards. Now, while there is an act of physically throwing a stone, what about the verbal ones? On Ash Wednesday, Pastor Mark talks about that very story and about the verbal stones that we encounter every single day. The ones that are available to us and where we have the option to use at the right time if we so choose to do so, and how we have the power to not use them. This one is the first part in a series for Lent, and that very first one can be found right here.
02-24-2013 Spiritual Sacrifice- Pastor Mark Rossington
Making sacrifices is one of those things that no one likes doing very much, or at all since the thing that is given up is something very close and dear to us. It's a very tough thing to do and it's also something that is done with great care, and never taken lightly. In a brand new sermon series that kicked off Sunday, Pastor Mark talks about sacrifices of the spiritual sense and what that means for us as Christians. The first part in the series can be found right here.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
02-20-2013 What's Your Price?- Pastor Mark Rossington
Everything costs money, and everything that we encounter has a price to be bought and to be sold. We are told and taught that everything has a price and a value, and we are also told that some things are invaluable. Those are just objects and as well as food, but what about people? Do we have a price? Depending on who you ask everyone has one, but is that true? In the second part in the Lenten series, Pastor Mark talks about the story of Judas and how he was bought for thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus, and uses that as a springboard to talk about being bought, and if we really can. The second part in the series can be found right here.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
02-10-2013 Transfiguration- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the most incredible accounts in the Bible is the Transfiguration of Jesus where he reveals His true body to James, Peter, and John. What's even more incredible was that Moses and Elijah were present as well, and they were conversing with Jesus on the mountain. There are so many questions that surround that event that it's hard to know where to start, but the main question is, why would Jesus reveal himself to only those three disciples and not to any of the rest? Pastor Mark talks about that event in the Bible and answers some of the questions surrounding it, and even explains what it means for us as we get closer to Ash Wednesday and even Easter. That sermon can be found here for your listening convenience.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
01-20-2013 The Lord's Prayer- Pastor Mark Rossington
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
01-13-2013 The Baptism of Jesus- Pastor Mark Rossington
For those of us that are in the church, baptism is one of the most important things in the church along side Holy Communion. People of all ages get baptized in various ways whether it's the whole body or just a few swipes of water with a cloth, and there isn't a right or wrong way for the act to be done. There is one fact about the history of baptism that always sounds strange is that Jesus was baptized as well, and by John the Baptist. He's the Son of God, why would He need to be baptized? Why is it such a big deal that it has to be mentioned in the Bible? In a continuation of the story of Jesus' beginnings from last week, Pastor Mark talks about Jesus' baptism and why it really is such a big deal and why it matters for all of us. To know more about that and some interesting facts that sermon can be found right here for your enjoyment.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
01-06-2013 Magi- Pastor Mark Rossington
Thursday, January 3, 2013
12-30-2012 A New Year- Pastor Mark Rossington
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