Wednesday, January 26, 2011

01-23-11 Recognizing the Real Jesus

This weekend we look at Matthew 4: 12-25. In these verses, we read of how Jesus called his first few disciples and how the crowd began to follow him as he worked miracles and minister to others. But how did the crowd see Jesus? As a miracle worker or as the true Savior and Messiah? How do you often see Jesus? As the one to make your life prosperous? As a cruel God who will punish you when you sin?

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

01-16-11 God's Team (Deacon Bill Buerger)

We look at 1 Corinthians 1: 1-9. We will discover that on "God's Team" there are no second-stringers or fill-in substitutes in God's plan for His people. Deacon Bill Buerger guest preaches.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

01-09-2011 Why Did Jesus Have to Be Baptized?

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Why? If He was without sin, why did He need to be baptized as if He was? Pastor Mark takes a look at the importance of Jesus' baptism as He began His ministry here on earth.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

01-02 Divine Disobedience - Pastor Mark Rossington

Pastor Mark looks at the twelve year old Jesus in the Temple as related in Luke chapter 2.

12-26 The Red Eye to Egypt - Pastor Mark Rossington

On this day after Christmas Pastor Mark looks at the wise men from the East who came to rejoice in Jesus the Savior's birth and the aftermath in which Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled to Egypt.

12-24 Christmas Eve: At Just the Right Time - Pastor Mark Rossington

We celebrate on Christmas Eve 2010 at Epiphany with Pastor Mark looking at why Jesus came at just the right time.