Thursday, April 28, 2011

04-24-11 Easter Worship - Pastor Mark Rossington

Easter Sunday brings a time of celebration and joy!

04-22-11 Good Friday _ Pastor Mark Rossington

Good Friday worship service as we remember the day that Jesus gave everything for us.

04-17-11 Palm Sunday: Lay Your Palms Down - Pastor Mark Rossington

It's the start of Holy Week as we celebrate Palm Sunday this week! Hosanna!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

04-10-11 After Four Days - He Stunk Like a Skunk! - Pastor Mark Rossington

The raising of Lazarus from the dead by Jesus and the teaching that accompanied this miracle guarantees that we will go to Heaven and see our own mortal bodies rise again, too!

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Friday, April 8, 2011

04-06-11 Encouragement: When You Don't Feel God Is With You

We continue our Lenten sermon series on 'Encouragement'.

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04-03-11 Hunting for God - Deacon Mark Bittner

Deacon Mark Bittner looks at Jesus' command to go and baptize others. We look at how such ministries as Epiphany's Ironmen Ministry can help to do just that.

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03-30-11 Encouragement: When Pain Enters Your Life

We continue our Lenten worship services on 'Encouragement' as we journey to Easter morning.

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