Friday, March 28, 2014

03-26-2014 Majoring in the Minors- Habakkuk - Pastor Mark Rossington

There are things that happen in life that are incredibly unfair, and the question that always pops is, "why?". It's a fair question to ask, but it seems like no one has an answer for it. Anger and frustration start to mount and normally resentment comes not too far behind. The toughest of questions are typically met with silence, so it's safe to assume that there isn't answer, right? Not quite. In the eighth part in the series called Majoring in the Minors, Pastor Mark talks about Habakkuk and how he's the perfect guide on the road to getting those answers. His book in the Bible will surprise many since not a whole lot of people know what he has to say, and what he does have to say is rather helpful. That sermon, as well as the others before it, can be found right here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

03-16-2014 Majoring in the Minors- Jonah - Pastor Mark Rossington

We all know someone that we either can't stand to be around, or even down right hate because of something they've done. We might even go so far as to mentally wish that not matter what they try to accomplish that they fail miserably, and if they try to change their life around it doesn't work. While we may think that we are in the "right" to think and hope that, but is it really fair? Continuing on with the sermon series on the minor prophets, Pastor Mark talks about Jonah and the famous Bible story of him being eaten by a big fish. While that may be the most well-known part of the book, but there are some details in that book that are not as well-known. The events in his life may not be applicable because of the extra-ordinary nature of it, but his thoughts on who deserves what and what God has to say about it certainly does. That sermon can be found right here

Thursday, March 13, 2014

03-12-2014 Majoring in the Minors- Obadiah - Pastor Mark Rossington

People bullying other people around isn't something new, nor is it something that's left behind in the various grade school levels. It evolves when people are grown up and are into their chosen career fields, so it's something that everyone must have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. It's easy to feel alone and isolated, and even give up hope after a while, so what can be done about it? Who has our backs when this happens? Pastor Mark talks about the next minor prophet, Obadiah, and is probably the least known and preached about. Even though it's a short book in the Bible, Obadiah has a lot of history in it and gives some really good insight and advice that can be used today. If you would like to know more, you can find that sermon right here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

03-09-2014 Amos- Pastor Mark Rossington

One of the unfortunate aspects of life that we hear all the time is people of power taking advantage of people who do not have very much power, or none at all. Those are the ones that we catch, and there are many others that go by unnoticed. It's situations like those that change history and human condition, and it even goes way back to ancient times, even described in the Bible before Jesus came along. While it may not be something new, was there someone talking about it? If there was, what did they have to say? Pastor Mark talks about the minor prophet Amos, and his life is actually full of surprises. Amos had a lot to say about the powerful in the various nations that were around in those times, and what he did have to say is still very much relevant for us today. That Sunday sermon on Amos, as well as the others, can be found right here

Friday, March 7, 2014

03-05-2014 Ash Wednesday- Joel - Pastor Mark Rossington

We've now come to the time known as Lent and that starts things off with Ash Wednesday, and it's also a time of personal reflection. A time where we look back at the things we've done right and the things we've done wrong, and to make some course corrections in the latter area. Basically a time to repent for the things we've done to others. On this Ash Wednesday service, Pastor Mark continues on with his sermon series called "Majoring in the Minors" by talking about Joel. So what does this farmer from the Old Testament have to do with Lent and repenting? Plenty, actually. So why don't you head on over here, and give it a listen, won't you?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

03-02-2014 Majoring in the Minors- Hosea - Pastor Mark Rossington

If you were to ask anyone about the name's of the prophets from the Bible you would probably get the major ones like Elijah and Isaiah. Which is fair since they are the most popular prophets, and even the most talked about. Not a whole lot of people will even know about the minor ones, and not even realize that they even get their own book in the Bible. They may not be very long, but that doesn't mean that they're not relevant. So, who are they? What were they about? Pastor Mark brings about a new sermon series called "Majoring in the Minors", and starts off with Hosea. Hosea's life was perfectly relevant to the people of Israel to how to stay with God, and you might be surprised by how his life is still applicable to today. The sermon that starts everything off is located right here.