Tuesday, February 25, 2014

02-23-2014 Making the Most Out of the Bible- Pastor Mark Rossington

Reading is something that most of us do when we are either waiting for an appointment, or do it as a leisurely activity for the joy of it. There are so many books out there to suit anyone's needs that it's really rare that someone can't find something to read. When you ask someone what they like to read a myriad of answers will come about, and they will even tell you what they don't care to read. Now, if you ask someone if they've read the Bible, most of the time the answer will be a 'no' and a whole bunch of reasons will come out. One of which will be because it's too long or because they don't understand it. What can be done about this? Is there a solution? To kick off a series that will be used occasionally, Pastor Mark starts off by talking about how anyone can approach the Bible and the teaching in it. It turns out that it's not as scary or as tasking as it appears to be. That new and here-and-there sermon series can be found right here.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

02-16-2014 Lessons From Joseph- Pastor Mark Rossington

One of the things that harped on all the time when looking for a vocation of sorts is knowing what kind of characteristics or skill sets one has. There are some that people know right away, but then there are others that take some time in figuring out what exactly they are really. When we do know what they are and use them fully we become an asset, but what happens until then? How exactly do we find them? When we do, what do we do with them? In the final part in Pastor Mark's sermon series, he uses the story of Joseph from the Bible as an illustration on what can happen when we use our skills set to their full potential. Even how to find them if we are unsure of what they are. That final part in the series, as well as the previous parts, can be found right here.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

02-09-2014 How To Make Wise Decisions- Pastor Mark Rossington

There are times in our lives where we run into situations that require us to make really tough decisions, and it can be a real challenge. We don't really know where to go or who to turn to for answers that will help in the decision making. The trouble is, there's so much out there that it can be overwhelming at times when looking for answers. So, what do we do? Pastor Mark continues on with his sermon series and talks about making wise decisions. It's not just about praying and wishing for the best, but action is required on the part of everyone who are looking for answers. The third part in the sermon series, as well as the previous parts, can be found right here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

02-02-2014 What is the Work God Shaped You to do?- Pastor Mark Rossington

We all try to find something that really clicks with us when looking for a vocation or a volunteer position. Sometimes is doesn't take very long to find it, and sometimes it does take a while to find it since it's not something that just falls into your lap. How do you find it though? What needs to be done in order find the one thing that really resonates with us? In the next part in Pastor Mark's new sermon series, "Doing Business With God", he continues on with the various ways that we can really find our niche, and how it really isn't as difficult as it seems to be. The next part in the series can be found right here.