Tuesday, August 30, 2011

08-28-2011 For The Glory of God- Pastor Mark Rossington

So does being or becoming a Christian mean that you have to give up everything that you love to do? That perception has been around for quite some time, and even the thought of taking up the cross sounds demoralizing, but is it true? In his sermon, Pastor Mark says that that is not true and can actually be fun, fun you say? Interested? Well, give it a listen here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

08-21-2011 What Do You Build A Church On?- Pastor Mark Rossington

What do you do to make a church grow? Is it the pastor? The building? The music? Or is it even the style of worship that the church offers? All those things certainly help; however, there's one thing that every church should be built on, and that's Jesus Christ. Pastor Mark goes deeper into that in last weekend's sermon, which is right here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

08-14-2011 Persistence Prevails- Pastor Mark Rossington

In our prayers we always ask God for answers to our needs, and the three types of responses from Him are: 'yes', 'no', or 'wait'. The 'wait' answer can be trying and frustrating, in Pastor Mark's sermon, he goes deeper into the 'wait' response and how it can be rewarding if we are persistent in our waiting for God's response to prayer. Give it a listen right here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

08-07-2011 Overcoming Your Fears- Pastor Mark Rossington

This past weekend, Pastor Mark dicusses about our own fears that we carry on a day to day basis, and how we can overcome those fears when we have faith in Jesus. Want to know more? Click here to find out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

07-31-2011 My Needs Can Be Met! - Pastor Mark Rossington

We live in a world of uncertainty of not knowing if our personal needs can be met and fear of the future and what it might bring. Pastor Mark's sermon this part weekend assures us that God will provide and that if we trust in Him, they can be met. Go ahead, give it a listen.