In the Lutheran Church, Reformation Sunday is kind of a big deal because that's the day where Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. It was the day where there was a split in the Catholic Chuch and the Protesant Reformation began, and the events after that we're not pretty. That may have happened over 400 years ago in Germany, but what relevence does that have on us today? Does it still mean something for us Christians as a whole? Pastor Mark gives a sermon on the importance of Reformation Sunday, but also includes that it is very much relevent for us as a whole as Christians. There are still "Indulgence" type of products that are sold, and Pastor Mark gives more insight how those products are not needed when God has given everyone His grace. Wanna hear more about what he has to say? That sermon can be found
here at you convenience.
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