Thursday, February 28, 2013

02-27-2013 Denial- Pastor Mark Rossington

Denial is one the things that we all do to some varying degree or another, and it really all depends on what the situation is that we are confronted with. They may be from the small and to what we might think as insignificant to the huge and really harmful. Now, what about denying something in the faith aspect? How harmful is that? Continuing on in the Lenten season, Pastor Mark talks about denial and uses the story of Peter denying Jesus three times as a springboard of what that may mean for us when we deny someone of help, or someone in any sort of need, but does give hope in what we can do to fix that. That Lenten sermon can be found right here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

02-13-2013 A Stone's Throw- Pastor Mark Rossington

One of the most famous stories of Jesus is when he met a woman that was about to be stoned to death by a mob of people. She was found guilty of committing adultery and by law had to be put to death. Lucky for her, Jesus was there and in that whole scene said one of the most famous lines to ever come out of the Bible, which is, "He who is without sin may cast out the first stone". The angry mob was diffused and the woman was saved that day, and Jesus was able to talk to her afterwards. Now, while there is an act of physically throwing a stone, what about the verbal ones? On Ash Wednesday, Pastor Mark talks about that very story and about the verbal stones that we encounter every single day. The ones that are available to us and where we have the option to use at the right time if we so choose to do so, and how we have the power to not use them. This one is the first part in a series for Lent, and that very first one can be found right here.

02-24-2013 Spiritual Sacrifice- Pastor Mark Rossington

Making sacrifices is one of those things that no one likes doing very much, or at all since the thing that is given up is something very close and dear to us. It's a very tough thing to do and it's also something that is done with great care, and never taken lightly. In a brand new sermon series that kicked off Sunday, Pastor Mark talks about sacrifices of the spiritual sense and what that means for us as Christians. The first part in the series can be found right here.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

02-20-2013 What's Your Price?- Pastor Mark Rossington

Everything costs money, and everything that we encounter has a price to be bought and to be sold. We are told and taught that everything has a price and a value, and we are also told that some things are invaluable. Those are just objects and as well as food, but what about people? Do we have a price? Depending on who you ask everyone has one, but is that true? In the second part in the Lenten series, Pastor Mark talks about the story of Judas and how he was bought for thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus, and uses that as a springboard to talk about being bought, and if we really can. The second part in the series can be found right here.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02-10-2013 Transfiguration- Pastor Mark Rossington

One of the most incredible accounts in the Bible is the Transfiguration of Jesus where he reveals His true body to James, Peter, and John. What's even more incredible was that Moses and Elijah were present as well, and they were conversing with Jesus on the mountain. There are so many questions that surround that event that it's hard to know where to start, but the main question is, why would Jesus reveal himself to only those three disciples and not to any of the rest? Pastor Mark talks about that event in the Bible and answers some of the questions surrounding it, and even explains what it means for us as we get closer to Ash Wednesday and even Easter. That sermon can be found here for your listening convenience.