Spending money! From small purchases to large purchases, we make those spending choices everyday whether we are conscious of the cost or not. Considering the state of the economy now, most of us are well aware the cost of everything and how much we can afford depending on the state of our own bank account. The real question we face everyday is, how much can I afford? And, where is the cut off of spending? These are some serious questions that shouldn't be taken lightly. Pastor Mark finishes his sermon series on What Does The Bible Teaches About Money on the topic of spending. He sheds some light on what we should do with our money and what God has to say about it, and those answers just might surprise you. Put down that bank statement for just a moment and give this one a listen, it could change your view on some things.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
11-13-2011 What Does The Bible Teach Say About Money: Saving and Investing- Pastor Mark Rossington
There comes a time when everyone starts thinking about the future and what to do with their hard earned cash. The popular thing to do is to do is invest it into something so that way, when we get older, we can use that money in our golden years and be set. The huge question is, who do we invest with? How much should we save and invest? Who should we trust? Pastor Mark continues in his sermon series on What Does The Bible Say About Money, and how we should trust God and ask Him for help when it comes to this matter. So, put down your letters in the mail about your 401K, and give this a listen. It could help you out.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
11-06-2011 What Does The Bible Say About Money: Giving- Pastor Mark Rossington
One of the biggest topics in discussions about being a Christian is giving, and all sorts of things get discussed. Who to give to, what to give, how much, or even, how little. Seeing as the economy is getting better any time soon, depending on who you ask, the topic of giving is being more and more discussed. So, what to do? Pastor Mark starts a brand new sermon series on money and what the bible has to say about it, and specifically on giving. So, grab some hot chocolate and give this a spin, won't you?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
10-30-2011 Reformation Sunday: Love Will Hold Us Together- Pastor Mark Rossington
This past weekened was Reformation Day, and while that is very important to us Lutherans, there's also something very important that isn't just centered towards Lutherans, but to all of us, and that's love. What is love? What does it mean in our interactions with other people that we encounter in our daily lives, especially to the strangers on the street. Pastor Mark goes deeper into the meaning of love, and you might be surprised to find out that love isn't just a simple noun! Curious? Well, you're in luck! That particular sermon is right here, enjoy!
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